How do you deal with anti-gunners? Tony Robbins on CNN’s Guns In America With Piers Morgans [Video]

Whether you love him or hate him, Tony Robbins does seem to do a good job dealing with Morgan here on CNN’s Guns In America.

Tony is influential with millions of followers. Piers Morgan is desperately trying to get him to accept and acknowledge publicly an acceptance of gun control, specifically here banning of semi-automatic weapons in America. He obviously hopes Tony will accept his version so that Tony’s millions of followers will also accept Piers Morgan’s liberal version. Tony doesn’t do that. He nods and yeps a few of his points only to try and pace, then possibly lead into a different direction discussing the core of the problem rather than the results. Watch and comment below.



If there is a lesson here, he does show a method for dealing with people who may be on the fence about gun control. How do you deal with anti-gunners?

Shared By: Randy Administrator FPC Member GOA Member MSSA Member NRA Member
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