Do You Always Try To Shop From Firearms & Second Amendment Friendly Merchants First?

Do you always try to shop at merchants who are gun friendly first?

What if I’m shopping for groceries or diapers for my kid? How do I check to see if that store or merchant is anti-gun?

What if the company I’m shopping from doesn’t make their political stances or donations public?

What if I can’t find out where they donate politically? If the company itself is not affiliated to political donations for anti-gun candidates or politicians, should I try to avoid them too?

All very valid questions! What do you do when you can only find the item you need from an anti-gun source? Do you go without or do you buy it but make your opinion known?

Where can I find this information so that I can make a better decision about where I can shop online or off without worrying whether I am helping to fund an anti-gun and anti-American company?

Join, Engage and contribute at the Anti-Gun Businesses Group at Firearms Friendly Now!

Because these are such tough nuts to crack, this is the reason for the Self Service Firearms Firearms Friendly Search Engine!

Businesses and service providers who ARE firearms friendly can join here free, then list and manage their own gun friendly links whether they are firearms industry merchants or not!

If you are a firearms friendly merchant that wants to help sponsor this site who is not yet listed in the Search Engine or your items are not yet listed in our Sponsor Shop, click Advertise for more information!

Shared By: Randy Administrator FPC Member GOA Member MSSA Member NRA Member
A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter Building Online Tools To Help Us Preserve Our Own Online Firearms Freedom!

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