How Do We Start a Second Amendment Sanctuary County or Create an Ordinance in Our City? [Video]

Gun Owners of America has the templates! Watch the video, then visit to find information about Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinances (SASOs) at Find everything you need to get started including Ordinance Drafts, Petitions and Handouts for sharing at gun shows and events.

“As of 1/07/2020, over 418 counties, cities, and towns have passed SASOs or sanctuary resolutions in 21 separate states. Illinois, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, and more recently Virginia, have passed them in a majority of their counties. This number does not include Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, and Wyoming, all of which have similar state-level protections.” More…

Shared By: Randy Administrator FPC Member GOA Member MSSA Member NRA Member
A Made in Montana Website Developer and Promoter Building Online Tools To Help Us Preserve Our Own Online Firearms Freedom!

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Tracy avatar
These SASOs are really SASOinos, Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinances in name only (it says they are for "certain" laws). If they want to call it a Sanctuary, then they would let me build silencers and full autos. They should stop using that word "Sanctuary." I don't think it means what they think it means.
Randy avatar
02/16/2020 2:31 pm
Tracy avatar
@peepso_user_2(Randy M - Admin) I do not think a name does much of anything. If they want to say "we will enforce no MORE gun laws" then say that. To call it a Second Amendment Sanctuary/Refuge then that implies that the Second Amendment applies in that domain and anti-gun laws do not apply in that domain.
02/16/2020 4:29 pm
Randy avatar
I’m happy it finally woke up and motivates a few more gun owners and they’ll hopefully get to the ballot box.