Can I Sell Guns and Ammunition on Firearms Friendly’s Community Marketplace and Classifieds?

Yes! And everything else legal too! Because we don’t discriminate like Facebook, Google, Ebay and Craigslist do!

A Google result for “Firearms Friendly Marketplace” results for me today with the screenshot below.

Luckily this site is right there at the top where it belongs. At least it is for me. If it’s not that way for you, that’s Google’s magical algorithms at work suppressing info you might not agree with according to your browsing habits and settings.

If you have items you want to sell in the Classifieds Marketplace here and a category doesn’t yet exist, simply post them in Miscellaneous and we’ll create them as we go. You can also suggest general categories to add in the comments below.

To help keep us at the top for any search engine, perform a search related, look for our link at their site, then click on that link at their site to help keep us at or drive us to the top.

Embed Firearms Friendly Video Like YouTube Test

I am testing a system to embed previously uploaded firearms friendly user videos to a blog style post for use in on site only blog posts that any visitor to the site can view. So that our videos work like YouTube or Full30 videos in a member blog post. We can already embed YouTube and full30 videos in blog posts. This will allow us to use our own here. You won’t be able to embed videos uploaded here to other websites. Allowing external use is a long ways off. Try it and see what you think about functionality and comment about it below.


Please Allow Avantlink Cookies So This Site Gets Credit!

Some cookies are good and some cookies are bad! Ours are safe and GOOD because they help pay the bills!

For this website to make any commission on purchases through any of our sponsor links or through sales at the sponsor shop, your browser MUST ALLOW TRACKERS from! Permit Avantlink cookies in your browser security settings BEFORE clicking through any of our sponsor links anywhere or when shopping at the sponsor shop so we can keep the lights on and keep the dream alive!

Countless commissions have been lost because of browser security issues and we cannot keep this ball rolling without it. Click DONATE to find out how to make sure 100% of your contribution gets here.

Join The American Hunters Group to Share Hunting Adventure Photos and Speak Freely Without Mob Censorship

The same anti-hunters that report you at sites like Facebook completely disregard the FACT that Hunters in America provide over 90% of the funding for wildlife conservation in America through tags and licensing. People are targeted by anti-hunting mob trolls at social network sites whose systems allow it. They censor people for sharing pictures of their harvests, even on personal pages because enough people agreed to be offended and report posts. This happens routinely on Facebook due to their truly socialistic community algorithms.

That mob nonsense can NEVER happen here BY DESIGN, even in community streams. It is not offensive by policy and standards here.

Join the American Hunters Group at Firearms Friendly to share pictures of your legally harvested creatures of all flavors among friends WITHOUT Concern of Censorship at Firearms Friendly Groups.

Watch even an anti-hunting Adam Ruins Everything explain why even trophy hunting supports wildlife conservation.

Watch Hunt Right Montana. “Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching” ~ Aldo Leopold

How do the new classifieds work? How do I get the best results? Is it only for guns?

There are already a lot of Great National Sites for Gun Classifieds like those listed in the Search Engine Here. Be sure to add them if you don’t see them in the Top Gun Classifieds List.

The issue is that none of them so far are fast, clean, non-browser intrusive and include a social network like this one! A site like Craigslist AND Facebook! That is of course Firearms Friendly!

Only members can post classified ads at this site. The most notorious scammer and spammer countries are blocked from even viewing this site. If scum bags from America post, we have the social network to ask questions as needed, before even beginning a private transaction. This helps weed out a ton of the riffraff and junk you see at sites like Craigslist and Facebook groups.

After posting an ad at this site, a community stream post in your name is automatically generated and appears on the timeline. This is done for other members to be able to comment on your ad internally. Although non-members cannot see the timeline, they can still contact you using the email contact form in your ad. Logged in members can also see this. In addition to seeing a private message button for internal messaging, they will also see your auto post on the timeline and be able to comment below it. You can delete them from the news feed if you prefer and still leave them active in classifieds.

Group members get notifications by email and on site when new posts are made in Groups. To get the best results, post in classifieds, then share a link to your ad in Firearms Friendly Groups or anywhere else online or in emails that you want!

A major advantage of using classifieds for this site and you, is because ads expire after 30 days! Unlike group posts that live forever! If you accidentally forget to delete it, it simply expires which makes it obvious that it’s no longer available.

Disk space is always at a premium. To help keep costs down, it limits people uploading the same photos all over the place!

Ask questions about the new classifieds in the comments below or send me a private message at my profile page.