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Dear new gun owners, welcome to Firearms Friendly! Where the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask!

For The Record: This gun-friendly social network, search engine, classifieds and it’s now thousands of members may or may not own guns! And just like any social network, we have salty members too! Join the New Gun Owners Group To Avoid Being Ridiculed!

What is What does it have to offer and why should I join?

Due to censorship elsewhere, Firearms Friendly was created as a social network alternative to anti-gun sites like Facebook for those of every gender, race, creed, color, height, planet, solar system, hair color, shoe size, car and truck brand, city, county, state, political party or opinion! You are welcome here as long as you are Firearms Friendly whether you own guns or not!

Find some of our uncensored member reviews and member comments on this post below.

A great place to hangout

John avatar

I’ve been on Firearms Friendly for a couple of years now and have found a place to relax with folks who generally have a great outlook on life. A lot of information I come across on FF isn’t found on other news or social media sites so it helps me stay up on what is happening that could have an impact on my life.

John Himes

The most Intelligent and well informed folks anywhere

o_woolley avatar

There is everything from cooking, to history, literature, current events, and of course, firearms. Come grow with us. There is no better social media site on the web. Period. You can discuss a wide range of topics without going to jail, and even if others disagree, they do so politely, without putting others down. A site that doesn’t track you. No adds popping up selling items related to your last web search. Great place and great people.


Great Site, Glad to be Here

I have been familiarizing myself since joining yesterday (April 20, 2020) and this is a fantastic place. I look forward to meeting folks and having some great conversation.

David Chapman

Great New Site! Happy to be here!

Elisa avatar

Randy has developed a platform here for freedom-loving people to use without fear of being thrown in the solitary slammer for saying no-no things that don’t tow the leftist line! Looking forward to helping this site grow into a powerhouse! Thank You, Randy!

Elisa Delaurenti

Real People with Real Sense and a Fun Community.

Brian avatar

I’ve been part of the Firearms Friendly for over a year. I found them through an NRA article when FB was busy blocking people and content. I was welcomed and included immediately. There’s a group for everyone and all shooting interests, which are great places to ask questions and for help. I love the content the regulars post and how the site has evolved and grown. No adds to deal with or “suggested” crap. I go through the site for all my purchases and any discount codes or promotions always work when I place my orders.

Brian Conklin

Firearms Knowledge

Paul avatar

FF, is the web site to Feel free to express an opinion, without having rhetorical comments from The Anti-Gun Liberals.

Paul DAscenz

Looking Good, so far

Mike avatar

Nice to have this available, Waaaay better than FB and all it’s entanglements


Awsome Site

This is the one page I can talk about my main interest in life and enjoy positive feedback from a non snowflake community.

John Hardy

brothers in arms and veiws that stand together even though seperated by thousands of miles feels like home.

DAVID avatar

was new on the site and was welcomed with wide open arms . spent a lot of time looking for a place to call home found it here with my new brothers /sisters . thank you guys for being who you are and not taking any shit that seams to roll down hill


A new home for those that love fire arms

richhamp avatar

I was looking for a new place to land after becoming disgusted with face book! I landed here and what a very pleasant landing! Great people, gun info, parts and supplies! What more could you ask?

Rich Hampshire

Better than face book with guns!!!!

richhamp avatar

A great place to have gun and conservative discussions without the speech Nazi’s!

Richard J Hampshire

A great place!

G. avatar

A great place to discuss and learn anything firearms related. Find the groups you like, join them and let the fun begin. Truly a great place for like minded 2nd amendment supporters to share information without fear of being put in face book jail.

Gary Udaka

A True community

Very impressed with the quality of the members of this community. Kind, helpful, good natured, intellegent, NON-JUDGMENTAL ( a major step forward compared to most “name brand” social media sites) It’s soooo refreshing to be able to start a dialog….. on ANY subject, without fear of reprisal.

Not just “Firearms Friendly”, but just plain FRIENDLY!

Paul Dolan

Firearms Friendly

Nathan avatar

Beats FB, easier to use than MeWe, cleaner page than UGE. I would prefer a few things to be a bit different, but I’m not about to complain!

Nathan McDilley

More than just guns

Relatively new to the site but thoroughly enjoying it. Like to read others opinions on topics I am interested in. Helps me learn and there appears to be some very knowledgeable people here. There also is a strong sense of what is needed to keep our country strong and a willingness to stand up for it. Definitely feel like I am involved with like minded individuals.

“Dave” Davis

Freedom Friendly

Ron avatar

It’s great to finally see a social media site that supports freedom and individual liberty. If you are tired of feeling you need to be politically correct or having to worry about being censored by the tolerant left, Firearms Friendly may be the place for you. It is very refreshing to see people having logical discussions on a variety of topics without the emotionally driven drama we so often witness at other sites. Great job Firearms Friendly! I look forward to watching this site grow.

Ron Duncan

Post without fear of oppression!

Liberty avatar

Great site with great people who don’t get all butt hurt when any topic of discussion is broached. It’s great to find like minded people who like guns, love America, aren’t afraid of a little dust up on occasion and when it’s all said and done, are civil to each other. Gee, just like it used to be in the real world before it started snowing! Anyhow, there is a lot a great conversation, funny as hell jokes, good info and camaraderie that is not allowed on more “progressive” forums. C’mon, what have you got to lose? Sign up today and be a part of the cool kids!

Liberty ForAll

Firearms Friendly..Plus Much More!

Ben avatar

Firearms Friendly is a place where men and women of all ages and backgrounds can share their thoughts, opinions and interests on a variety of topics. There are many pertinent news articles, jokes, and of course, discussions promoting the safe and lawful use of firearms. Discussions involve many subjects and various points of view and are conducted in a respectful manner. There are knowledgeable experts from many fields here, including firearms, should you need advice or have questions. So get out of Facebook hell and get a breath of fresh air!

Ben Merendino

Lawsuit Against Lucky Gunner Alleges Underage Santa Fe Shooter Was Allowed to Buy Ammo – Accused Santa Fe shooter bought ammo for massacre online despite being underage, suit alleges.

The young man charged in the Santa Fe High School shooting rampage that left eight students and two teachers dead purchased more than 100 rounds of ammunition before the shooting on a website that never verified his age, attorneys alleged in an amended civil lawsuit filed Thursday.

The filing alleges that on March 2, 2018, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, then a 17-year old junior at Santa Fe High School, ordered 50 rounds of hollow-point handgun ammunition and 105 rounds of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition from the website Two weeks later, he purchased 35 additional rounds of shotgun ammunition from the same website, according to the suit.


In addition to national organizations, are you also a member of your State Gun Rights Organization?

Share and discuss some of the accomplishments of your favorite state gun rights associations and organizations below!

Whether supported by the NRA and GOA or not, states will fight their own fights. Is your state ready for the next gun rights fight?

Below is an example of one of our search engine lists populated by members showing you all of the member submitted state gun rights organizations. Did you even realize there were this many, now over 40? Does your state have one? If it doesn’t, should it?

Join and Submit Your Top State Level Gun Rights Organization if not listed. Log in and click Dashboard+ to Add Search Engine Links.

Click links daily below or from the Top State Level Gun Rights Organizations Page listed in The Firearms Friendly Search Engine.

Top State Level Gun Rights Organizations (89)


How will YOU celebrate this year? Let us know here!

Dear MSSA Friends,

Many of you wrote to say you liked my story about the political fix for storage of powder and primers in sporting goods stores. Thanks.

Since you liked that story, here’s one about the genesis of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms week of celebration coming up beginning on March 2nd.

In 1989 we had our first bill before the Legislature to give Montana a “shall issue” concealed weapon permit system. Up until then, there were very few permits issued in Montana. We lost that bill in 1989 because of some political chicanery – too long a story to tell here.

So, we came back to the 1991 legislative session with an improved bill and an improved plan to get it passed. I was very frustrated that it was difficult to get legislators’ attention to talk about our CCW bill. The Democrats had a majority in both the Senate and House and were using that power to cram through legislation opposed by Republicans. One particularly contentious bill, bitterly debated, was one to create a paid state holiday to celebrate civil rights activist Martin Luther King.

I had no position about King and the proposed holiday, although Rosa Parks is more my idea of a civil rights hero. The problem was that legislators were so wrapped up in the contention about the proposed King holiday that they couldn’t hold still to talk about our CCW bill.

I was sitting in the rotunda of the Capitol, waiting for the floor sessions of Senate and House to finish so I could find legislators I wanted to talk to about CCW. It occurred to me that given the relevance of the issues here in Montana, if we were to have a day to celebrate King, we should have a whole week to celebrate the RKBA and another week to celebrate our hunting heritage. So, sitting in the rotunda, I got out a legal pad and wrote two bills, one for a week in March to celebrate our RKBA and another for a week in September to celebrate hunting.

I handed off my two draft bills to legislator friends. Republicans loved these bills as a way to regain some political space lost over the King contest. Both bills flew through the Legislature and were signed into law by Governor Stan Stephens. So, Montana law ever since has set aside a full week to celebrate our RKBA, beginning with the first Monday in March of each year. Here’s the law in Montana:

1-1-224. Observance of right to keep and bear arms. The week beginning the first Monday in March is an official week of observance to commemorate Montana’s valued heritage of the right of each person to keep and bear arms in the defense of the person’s home, person, or property or in aid of civil power. During this week, all Montanans are urged to reflect on their right to keep and bear arms and to celebrate this right in lawful ways.

Oh, and we finally did get Montana’s “shall issue” CWP law passed and signed into law that session, maybe providing even more reason to celebrate our RKBA.

That’s the story and I’m sticking to it. Now you know what to celebrate in your area in the upcoming first week of March.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana